MATLAB: Image display with imtool

digital image processingimage analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentation

Hi Everyone.
Anyone can help me. If i have 20 slice image PET (256×256 dimensions, dicom format), how to me:
1)display all the slice?
2) at the same time, when i move the courser at every picture, i it will show the location(X, Y) and the pixel value(intensity) such as use imtool code.
Here is my try code: alldata = zeros(256, 256, 20); for K = 1 : 20 petname = sprintf('PET%03d.dcm', K); alldata(:, :, K) = combinedata; end
montage(alldata, []);
Anyone please help me

Best Answer

You need to show one image/slice at a time. For example you can use a slider callback to do it. Don't use montage(). Use imshow() and then call impixelinfo().