MATLAB: How to resize images

digital image processingimageimage acquisitionImage Acquisition Toolboximage analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentation

Hi all,
If i want to resize my image from to 103 to 128, is it correct my coding?
clear all
P = zeros(103, 103, 60);
for K = 1 : 60
petname = sprintf('I%d.dcm', K_file);
P(:,:,K) = dicomread(petname);
P(:,:,K) = imresize(P(:,:,K),[128 128])

Best Answer

First read the documentation of imresize. Run an example given out there. Understand it and then use the functio. Get the scale and the go by it.
scale = 128/103 ;
Pi = imresize(P,scale) ; % where P is your 103*103 3D matrix