MATLAB: Extract rescale slope value

dicomimage analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolbox

Hi all,
I want to extract the RescaleSlope value from dicominfo for each slice. But I have 135 slice images. This is my code to extract RescaleSlope. But still failed.
P = zeros(256, 256, 135);
for K = 1 : 135
petname = sprintf('PET_I1001_PT%03d.dcm', K);
P(:,:,K) = dicominfo(petname);
[r,c,slice] = findND (info.RescaleSlope);
Anyone who can help me solve this problem???

Best Answer

for K = 135 : -1 : 1
petname = sprintf('PET_I1001_PT%03d.dcm', K);
info(K) = dicominfo(petname);
rescale_slopes = [info.RescaleSlope];
If, for some reason you need to find the non-zero entries, then
slice_idx = find(rescale_slopes);
Note: the above code has a limitation that the dicominfo returned by each slice must have exactly the same set of fields. If that assumption is violated then the info(K) assignment will give you an error about assignment between dissimilar structures.