MATLAB: How to use MATLAB Grader in proctored labs, examinations, or in secure, locked down browsers


How do I use MATLAB Grader in proctored labs, examinations, or in secure, locked down browsers?

Best Answer

If your courses use an assessment center or proctored lab model, you may wish to lock down what websites and tools the learners can use when completing coursework. This requires the use of computers that can perform limited tasks or tools that control what software and websites learners can use during the assessment period.
Proctoring software that is obtained from 3rd-party vendors and installed onto each lab or learner’s computer needs to do two things in order to work effectively with MATLAB Grader:
  • First, it must restrict what software students are permitted to execute on the computer. For example, you may not want the student to be able to launch MATLAB or have access to the MATLAB documentation.
  • Second, much like firewall software, it must restrict which URLs the lab computer can access. You will need to whitelist any URLs you wish to be available for users of MATLAB Grader.
Instructors have the option to use MATLAB Grader in conjunction with any third-party exam proctoring software provided it satisfies these two requirements.
Here is a listing of commonly used domain names for MATLAB Grader and related services:
  • (which is the domain name used by LTI services for LMS integration).
  • (needed for proper font rendering)
  • (needed for displaying the tool)
  • (needed for shared/common elements in the UX)
  • * (for MathWorks Accounts and single sign-on)
If you are using other online teaching tools like MATLAB Online or Self-Paced Training courses, you will need to whitelist the following URLs:
  • (for MATLAB Online)
  • (for Online Training Courses)
We also suggest that you whitelist domains (hostnames) as opposed to IP addresses. Many of our services are provided on content delivery networks (CDNs) such as Amazon, and you may get different IP addresses returned between sessions for the same domain. Please contact your System Administrator or the LMS Administrator for your online proctoring/secure exam product for assistance.