MATLAB: Am I told I am not yet authorized when I click on the LMS Integration link in MATLAB Grader


Why am I told I am not yet authorized when I click on the LMS Integration link in MATLAB Grader?

Best Answer

LMS (learning management system) Integration is a premium feature of MATLAB Grader that is available with Campus-wide License. If your institution would like to purchase a MALTAB Grader license, please contact your MathWorks representative.
If your institution has purchased a MATLAB Grader license, typically only LMS administrators need access to the LMS Integration page. Administrators will add MATLAB Grader to the LMS as an external/lti tool. If you are an instructor, please contact your LMS administrators for help adding MATLAB Grader to your LMS course.
If you are an LMS administrator and cannot access this link, verify with your MathWorks representative that your institution has a MATLAB Grader license. Only pre-approved MathWorks accounts can access this link. If you have received notification that your account has been approved, verify that the notification was sent to the same email address that is linked to your MathWorks account, and that that MathWorks account is associated with your institution's MATLAB license.
After verification, if you are still require assistance with setting up the initial LMS integration, contact these resources:
  • Primary Contact for MATLAB Grader. You can find this information on the LMS Integration page.
  • Administrator for your institution: Consult the IT department directory at your institution.
  • Technical support