MATLAB: How to terminate a job on a remote cluster started using the DFEVAL function in Parallel Computing Toolbox 4.2 (R2009b)

canceldfevaljobParallel Computing Toolbox

I have created a distributed job using DFEVAL as shown below:
y = dfeval(@tester,{},'JobManager','myJM','FileDependencies', {'tester.m'});
where the function TESTER can be any task that takes a long time to execute, such as:
function out = tester
out = 1;
I want to cancel this job midway through its execution.

Best Answer

To cancel any job that was created using the DFEVAL, you can use the CANCEL method. However, before using this method, you have to identify the specific job to cancel. You can use the functions FINDRESOURCE and FINDJOB on another client MATLAB to identify the scheduler and the jobs queued on the scheduler. The code below illustrates how this can be done:
sch = findResource('scheduler','type', 'JobManager')
% The above code will return an array of scheduler objects. Select the job manager you are using. It might not always be the first element of the array.
out = findJob(sch(1));
% The above code will return an array of job objects. Select your specific job. It might not always be the 6th job in the queue.
jobToCancel = out(6)