MATLAB: How to save matrixes to files with similar names in loop


Hello everyone,
with your help I was able to create a loop that loads different datasets and then runs through my whole code. The names of the original datasets are pretty similar: for example data_ID_200.mat and data_ID_304.mat I used the following command to load these data files:
for n=1:numel(names)
load('[Z:\...\' names{n}])
Now before the loop ends and starts the next iteration I want to save some matrixes that my code created. How can I specify the names for the matrixes I want to save? Preferably I would like to save these matrixes to matrix_ID_200.mat and matrix_ID_304.mat – so that they correspond directly to my original datasets and I can easily use them in further applications that require the ID of each dataset.
Is there anyway I could do this? Right now my list for names contains:
names = 'data_ID_200.mat' 'data_ID_304.mat'
Maybe I could kind of cut out the ID number and insert them into some kind of string??
Thanks a lot for your help!!!

Best Answer

There are many ways you could do this, for example using a regular expression to extract the ID, but a simple way:
savename = strrep(names{n}, 'data', 'matrix');
save(savename, ...);