MATLAB: ‘load’ function bug

loadno_bugnot a bugstringvariableworkspace

Hi all, these days I'm writing a function that take a strings as input, let call it 'var'; that string contain the path to a .mat file conteining a variable called 'mat'(it'a a NxM matrix). After I need to load the matrix saved into the .mat file, so i use the command
load 'var'
and the variable 'mat' appears on my workspace. Instead, if i use a different name for the input variable, for example 'var_1', or 'm_1' or something, it doesn't work!
??? Error using ==> load
Unable to read file m_1: No such file or directory
The code below is working
load 'prova'
inside my workspace I found tha matrix 'mat'
But if i rename the variable containing tha variable name as below
load 'n'
??? Error using ==> load
Unable to read file n: No such file or directory
Can anybody explain me this?! It's so annoyng because my function works only depending on the name of the input variable!

Best Answer

Please read the documentation of load and save again. Look in the given examples to learn the difference between these possibilities
name = 'myfile'
save 'name' % saves "name.mat"

save name % saves "name.mat"
save(name) % saves "myfile.mat"
save('name') % saves "name.mat"
The non-functional form save name or the equivalent save 'name' is useful in the command window, but it confuses beginners frequently.