MATLAB: How to run an application without pausing the pushbutton results


My problem is that I am trying to create some actions inside a pushbutton. One of them is to run a file (….mxd) with the correct application (ArcGis) BUT the changing of colours does not run unless I will close the sosftware which I wanted to open(ArcMap).Do you know how I can bypass this problem. To recap I want first to run the changing of colours and then to open the software. Somehow the execution of the software is in ''pending mode'' insdie the function of pushbutton and does not release the results to texts 4-7.
I2TBP_Daily_Arcmap_New = char(strcat(Daily,{'\'},{ImageName},{'\'},{ImageName},{'.mxd'})); % This is a file from a GIS application (ArcMAp)
ArcMap_Execute = char(strcat({'"'},I2TBP_Daily_Arcmap_New,{'"'},{' x -o'}));
set( handles.text4, 'BackgroundColor', 'green' );
set( handles.text5, 'BackgroundColor', 'green' );
set( handles.text6, 'BackgroundColor', 'green' );
set( handles.text7, 'BackgroundColor', 'green' );
[status,cmdout] = system(ArcMap_Execute);

Best Answer

drawnow() before system()