MATLAB: Use a function inside button function inside the GUI

function in functiongui button colourgui function

if I have x buttons that have to change their background colour, and some text boxes colour once clicked;
inside button_1 function, I can write:
if get(handles.button_1,'BackgroundColor') == handles.off_colour
set(handles.button_1,'Backgroundcolor',handles.on_colour); set(handles.Rtext1,'Backgroundcolor',handles.on_colour) ;
elseif get(handles.button_1,'BackgroundColor') == handles.on_colour
set(handles.button_1,'Backgroundcolor',handles.off_colour); set(handles.Rtext1,'Backgroundcolor',handles.off_colour) ;
how can I use a function like function react(nr) inside: function button_1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
where nr=hObject.Tag(8:end) this will be the number of the button(1 2 3 … x) that is able to use utilise handles.(['button',nr']) handles.(['Rtext',nr'])

Best Answer

oh, I just need to send the handle also like react(nr, handle)