MATLAB: Change background color in pushbutton [Matlab-GUI]

backgroundcolorcolormatlab guipushbutton

Hi! I need change color of pushbutton when I choose this pushbutton. For example, I select pushbutton1(radiobutton1) and its color changes to green. In same way, color of others pushbutton changes to red. I have 80 pushbuttons, is there any way to make this change at once through a cycle or do I have to write these lines of code for all of them?
case 'radiobutton1'

Best Answer

You have to do something like this :
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% Get the handles of all pushbuttons and radiobuttons
PushAndRadioButtons = [findall(gcf,'Style','Pushbutton');findall(gcf,'Style','radiobutton')];
% Change to red all these buttons
% Set to green the current button
You just have to put this code in each callback function of your buttons.