MATLAB: How to print the virtual reality scene displayed in the internal viewer associated with the Virtual Reality Toolbox

.wrlcapturecopydisplayimagepasteprintsceneSimulink 3D Animationvrmlworld

My WRL-file is loaded, and I am able to display it using the internal viewer associated with the Virtual Reality Toolbox. I cannot, however, find any means to print the virtual reality scene from the viewer.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2006a (R2006a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The functionality of printing a virtual reality scene from the internal viewer is accomplished by issuing the CAPTURE function at the MATLAB prompt. For a discussion of the appropriate syntax, please refer to the documentation accessed by typing the following at the MATLAB prompt:
doc vrfigurecapture
The output of this command is a TrueColor RGB image that can be:
1) displayed and printed from a regular MATLAB figure window using the IMAGE function, and
2) saved as an image file by using the IMWRITE function. This image can then be inserted or pasted into any other application (such as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint)
For more information about these functions, type the following commands at the MATLAB prompt:
doc image
doc imwrite