MATLAB: How to control the access to the object properties created in the Simulink 3D Animation Toolbox 5.1 (R2009b)

accesscommandcoordinatesgeometrylineobjectrealitySimulink 3D Animationvirtualvr

I want to have access to the coordinates and geometry of my object, which has been described in my virtual world from the MATLAB command line. However, it appears I only have access to a finite set of the object properties.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2008b. For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
You must add the DEF statement in the VRML file wherever you want the ability to modify something from the MATLAB command line. For example, view the MATLAB file from the demo "Heat Transfer Visualization" (which changes the geometry of the object) with the following command:
edit vrheat.wrl
At line 50, "DEF IFS_Coords" has been added to define a node and name it IFS_Coords. You can then edit this property using the standard methods:
world = vrworld('vrheat.wrl')
ifscoordsnode = vrnode(world, 'IFS_Coords')
For an example of creating a virtual world in Simulink, please refer to "Creating a Sphere in a Virtual World" in the following help documentation;