MATLAB: How to place files on system path so all users can access


I have MATLAB scripts that I want to deploy to a bunch of users at my company.
Where should I drop the files on the system so the scripts are added to their path no matter what folder the users are in?
Note: I do not want to have to manually add the path to every individuals "startup.m" file. I want to do everything in the system space not the user space.

Best Answer

One method is to add the path to the "matlabrc" file. This is automatically executed at startup. Unlike "startup" which is on an individual basis, "matlabrc" is used by system administrators to add code that applies to all their users.
For more information on "matlabrc", please see the following link:
To add the path, simply use the "addpath" command with the desired folder you would like to add to your path. Place the command at the end of the "matlabrc.m" file.