MATLAB: How to maintain multiple MATLAB path setups and switch between them easily


In my work I often need to switch between two "environments" which correspond to different MATLAB path settings. The path setups are mutually exclusive because the same function may be present in both environments. For example the directory structure is:
How can I switch between these environments quickly, easily, and without creating issues related to 'restoredefaultpath' ?

Best Answer

Below is an example of how one might accomplish this. The key points of the approach are:
1. In order to "reset" the path before switching streams use 'pathdef' to load the path MATLAB started with instead of using 'restoredefaultpath'. This keeps support packages on the path.
2. Create a helper function for each stream which sets up the path correctly for that stream.
3. Keep the the helper functions on the path so that it is easy to switch streams.
Example Code:
startup.m - Put the helper functions on the path when starting MATLAB.
if ~isdeployed % deployed applications will not run the code below
% This folder contains useDevelopmentPath and useReleasePath
pathtools\useDevelopmentPath.m - sets up path for development stream
function useDevelopmentPath
addpath('H:\Documents\MATLAB\pathtools'); % For useDevelopmentPath and useReleasePath

addpath('H:\Documents\MATLAB\development_folder'); % add all folders needed for development stream
pathtools\useReleasePath.m - sets up path for release stream.
function useReleasePath
    addpath('H:\Documents\MATLAB\pathtools'); % For useDevelopmentPath and useReleasePath
    addpath('H:\Documents\MATLAB\release_folder');% add all folders needed for release stream
Using these helper functions would look like:
>> useDevelopmentPath
>> myFunc
myFunc: Development Version
>> useReleasePath
>> myFunc
myFunc: Release version.