MATLAB: How to load the Simbiology project onto Matlab so I can edit the code


What is wrong with this?
Thanks so much! Sorry this is such a newbie question, but I'm really confused.
Also, is there any other standard opening code for when we open Simbiology projects in Matlab?

Best Answer

The command you typed loaded the project into the MATLAB workspace. The model is usually stored in a variable called m1. You can edit the model using this variable.
However, if you are new to SimBiology, I recommend opening the project in the SimBiology desktop. You can open a project in the desktop from the command line like this: simbiology('ins+glucagon.sbproj')
You can also open projects directly within the SimBiology Desktop's graphical interface by clicking on the open button in the toolstrip. And you can open the SimBiology desktop either via the simbiology command or by clicking on the SimBiology App icon in the Apps on the MATLAB Toolstrip.