MATLAB: Symbiology new project (Estimating the Bioavailability of a Drug)


Hello, the simbiology project (sbioloadproject('Bioavailability.sbproj','m1')) and the corresponding data (load ondansetron_data) in the new version of matlab (R2015b) is not on the matlab root directory. Can anyone from Matlab please upload this example? this is the link Thank you!

Best Answer

The files are located under the "examples\simbio" folder of your MATLAB installation. You can open the project in the SimBiology Desktop using the following command:
simbiology(fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'simbio', 'Bioavailability.sbproj'))
and the data file using the following command:
load(fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'simbio', 'ondansetron_data.mat'))