MATLAB: How to iterate xa from 0 to 1 with steps of 0.05 in the function r=F*(k*C*(​1-xa))/(1+​K*C*(1-xa)​). All variables are known except for r.

forfor loopfunctioniterateloopurgent

I have to iterate the conversion of a reaction (x) in order to get the different values of catalyst mass (m).
The conversion 'x' would go from 0 to 1 with spaces of 0.05.
The function I need to iterate is: m=F*(k_kin*C*(1-x))/(1+k_ads*C*(1-x))
I know the value of all the variables except for m, which is the mass that I'd like to calculate.
F=0.11574; k_kin=1.3*10^-6; C=1.086; k_ads=0.9986
Please, help me. I haven't used matlab in years and I've forgotten how to make a 'for' loop work.
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Everything except ‘x’ are scalars, so you can do this using a vectorization approach without the loop:
F=0.11574; k_kin=1.3*10^-6; C=1.086; k_ads=0.9986;
x = 0:0.05:1;
plot(x, m)
ylabel('Catalyst Mass')
... including the plot! (Note the (./) denoting element-wise division.)
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