MATLAB: How to create a vector with for loop

forfor loopindexindexingloop

I am trying to devide the values between a vector elements by 0.1. Assume x = [1,4,-1,5,0,-2]. I want to create a vector with that:
If x(k) > x(k-1) : increment by 0.1 —-> x(k-1) : 0.1 : x(k)
if x(k) < x(k-1) : decrement by 0.1 —-> x(k-1) : -0.1 : x(k)
In my attempt, it only shows the results between last two elements (0 and -2), but I need the values for the elements.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
x = [1,4,-1,5,0,2];
for k=2:length(x)
if x(k) > x(k-1)
vt = v(k-1):0.1:v(k);
vt = x(k-1):-0.1:x(k);

Best Answer

Hamzah - on each subsequent iteration of your loop, you are overwriting the data from the previous iteration since you are setting vt to something new. You need to concatenate the new data with the previous data so that you don't lose anything. Try the following:
x = [1,4,-1,5,0,2];
vt = [];
for k=2:length(x)
if x(k) > x(k-1)
vt = [vt x(k-1):0.1:x(k)];
vt = [vt x(k-1):-0.1:x(k)];