MATLAB: How to get point value in app designer plots

app designerappdesignerdatacursormodeMATLABplotwaitforbuttonpress

Hello everyone.
Is there a way to get a point value from a plot using the mouse cursor in appdesigner? This is my code in a script file and it works pretty good but I can't translate it into the AppDesigner world.
% Other code lines

if app.qq==1
dcm_obj = datacursormode;
c_info{i} = getCursorInfo(dcm_obj); %#ok

q=1; %#ok
% Other code lines
I gave a look online but it seems that both datacursormode and waitforbuttonpress don't works in AppDesigner. I didn't find any answer yet and I hope someone could help me.
Thank you in advance for your reply.

Best Answer

Provide the app's figure handle in your call to datacursormode.
The window DisplayStyle is not supported in UIfigures.
The default value to SnapToDataVertex is on so you don't need to include that.
dcm_obj = datacursormode(app.MyAppUIFigure);
dcm_obj.Enable = 'on';
I'm not sure what cursorInfo is in your code.
In 2019b, after executing the lines above if the mouse hovers over a data point and creates a data tip, the following warning appears. Apparently this functionality hasn't been rolled out yet.
Warning: Error occurred while executing the listener callback for event WindowMouseMotion defined for class matlab.ui.Figure:
Error using matlab.ui.Figure/set
Functionality not supported with figures created with the uifigure function. For more information, see Graphics Support in App Designer.
Error in setptr (line 386)
An alternative would be to use the data tips by hovering the mouse over a data point. This code below waits for a data tip to appear and then extracts its coordinates.
tth = findall(app.UIAxes,'Type','hggroup'); % find any pre-existing data tips
delete(tth) % remove them
tth = [];
while isempty(tth)
tth = findall(app.UIAxes,'Type','hggroup');
pause(0.1) % important, without it Matlab crashes