MATLAB: Does uiimage prevent underlying uifigure mouse button callbacks to trigger


Hello there,
I am using MATLAB R2019b.
Contrary to uiaxes, it seems that uiimage will prevent any mouse button callbacks (WindowButtonDownFcn, WindowButtonUpFcn and WindowButtonMotionFcn) of the parent figure to trigger.
Below in my application, I have a superposition of an uifigure (grey array), uiaxes (white area) and uiiimage (map). When I click on the grey or white areas, the WindowButton callbacks are correctly triggered. This is not the case when I click on the map. This annoys me for my current application !! 🙂
Note that WindowScrollWHeelFcn is correctly triggered when scrolling on the uiimage object.
I suppose this comes from the fact that uiimage objects are also listening for clicks to trigger their own callback (ImageClickedFcn), contrary to UIaxes objects which do not have any callback properties. I have tried not defining any ImageClickedFcn and unchecking the interruptible property of the uiimage without success.
I suppose there is no workaround? This is sad because uiimage was quite the solution to the problems I had in my current application when using uiaxes … 😉
Nevermind and thanks for your help !

Best Answer

I hope that uiimage will get more callbacks in the future to propose more possible interactions ! :)