MATLAB: How to fuse three images

different colorsimage fusionImage Processing Toolbox

I have three images of three object. Object C covers the physical dimensions of objects A and B. I need to show all objects on a single image with diffrent colors. I able to fused two images with object C and A or C and B with following code:
A = imread(1..);
B = imread(2..);
C = imread(3..);
figure; imshow(C,'InitialMag','fit');
green = cat(3, zeros(size(C)),ones(size(C)), zeros(size(C)));
hold on
h = imshow(green);
hold off
% Use 'h' influence map as the AlphaData for the solid green image.
set(h, 'AlphaData', A)
How can I show object A, B and C (diffrent colors on the same image). Any help regarding the same will be appreciable. Thanks

Best Answer

I'm reading quite a bit into your question, but it sounds like you have three binary images saved as rgb images.
A = rgb2gray(imread(1..);
B = rgb2gray(imread(2..);
C = rgb2gray(imread(3..);
overlay_im = cat(3, C, A, B);
If you post your images, it's more likely you will receive good advice.