MATLAB: How to change color images

digital image processingimage acquisitionimage analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentation

Hi all, i try to fuse between two image.
my coding as below, and my picture as attached.
B = dicomread('TRANSA001_CT025.dcm');
A = dicomread('PETWB001_PT025.dcm');
scale = 512/256
C = imresize(B,scale);
My question is, how to change my color for C and B? i want different color for both. so that i easy to see which one is C, and which one is B.
Anyone can help me?

Best Answer

You can find many similar examples in imfuse, imregister and style transfer.
Though style transfer may not be applicable in your case, but imfuse and imregister provide very similar functionality you want to achieve.