MATLAB: How to extract every elements with different dimension at multiple cells in efficient manner


Dear all,
Say I have three cells, where the element
dd = [49;50;51;52;53;54] [55;56;57] [85;86;87;88;89;90]
The objective is to extract all the element in each cell and make it into single row, such that
[40 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 85 86 87 88 89 90]
I used the following lines.
C =1
for i =1:size(dd,2)
Xcx = cell2mat (dd (1,i));
ee =[]
ee (1,1: length (Xcx)) =Xcx;
for k =1: length (ee )
new (C,1) = ee (k)
C =C+1
Even though the code do the trick, I am looking if there is more advance and compact ways of doing it?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Dear Akira, Thanks for your response, I give an idea of using the VERTCAT. Using VERTCAT instead of HORZCAT skip the need of CELLFUN and TRANSPOSE.
dd = {[49;50;51;52;53;54], [55;56;57], [85;86;87;88;89;90]};
output1 =vertcat (dd{:});
Thanks for your answer, however I had to accept this solution as a better and more compact ways.