MATLAB: Reshape a matrix into vector form and then again convert the array into previous dimensions matrix

matrix manipulation

Suppose I have a matrix of size mxn and i want to convert it into an array and perform some operations on it and then later i want to regain the original matrix of same size mxn from that array
for e.g
A=[55 53 52 ;54 53 52 ;56 56 54];
array = 55 53 52 54 53 52 56 56 54
and then this array
array = 55 53 52 54 53 52 56 56 54
A=[55 53 52 ;54 53 52 ;56 56 54];

Best Answer

array = reshape(A.', 1, [])
A = reshape(array, n, m).'
Notice this is not m, n.