MATLAB: How to divide the space under a normal probability density function (pdf) into equal probable intervals

equal probable intervalsnormal

Hello everyone,
I have a random variable normally distributed with known mean and sigma, I want to divide the random variable range into equal probable intervals using the given pdf.
Is there any ready Matlab commands to this? if not do you have some ideas how to do this efficiently?
Thank you very much.

Best Answer

>> p=[0:0.10:1].';
>> mu=2; sigma=1;
>> x=norminv(p,mu,sigma);
>> disp([p x])
0 -Inf
0.1000 0.7184
0.2000 1.1584
0.3000 1.4756
0.4000 1.7467
0.5000 2.0000
0.6000 2.2533
0.7000 2.5244
0.8000 2.8416
0.9000 3.2816
1.0000 Inf