MATLAB: Getpoints function is not saving variables outside of loop


I am attempting to edit an existing code that will read ECG data from an Arduino Uno (in COM3), display the live ECG on a plot, and save the recorded data points. I am able to read the data and display it live, but the variables with the ECG data and time points do not save outside of the "for" loop. I think this may be an issue with the getpoints function, but any advice or input on how to save the variables ECGLogs and timeLogs would be greatly appreciated!
Here's the code I have:
ECG = arduino('COM3');
%%Acquire and display live data
h = animatedline;
ax = gca;
ax.YGrid = 'on';
ax.YLim = [0 2];
startTime = datetime('now');
for i= 1:500
% Read current voltage value
v = readVoltage(ECG,'A0');
[timeLogs,ECGLogs] = getpoints(h);
f = [timeLogs,ECGLogs];
% Get current time
t = datetime('now') - startTime;
% Add points to animation
% Update axes
ax.XLim = datenum([t-seconds(15) t]);
% Check stop condition
stop = readDigitalPin(ECG,'D12');
i = i+1;

Best Answer

Once you have ran the for loop, without closing the figure try running the following command outside of the for loop.
[timeLogs,ECGLogs] = getpoints(h);
This should give you the datapoints from the animatedline.
Also inside the for loop, you don't need i = i+1;