MATLAB: How to customize MATLAB built-in function help in MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b)


I would like the built-in functions to have an empty row at the end of the help text. If you add text to the empty rows, MATLAB will display that text when you do “help builtinfcn”.

Best Answer

The ability to add text to the built-in function help is not available in MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b).
To work around this issue, save the original file as builtinfcn.m.old and make the changes in the help section of the copy of builtinfcn.m.old file and save it as builtinfcn.m. If you want to roll back you can delete the new builtinfcn.m and rename builtinfcn.m.old back to builtinfcn.m