MATLAB: GPU coder error: Invalid ComputeCapability value 7.5

checkgpuinstall;GPU Coder

I tried to verify GPU code generation environment with example code below, and got the following error. Does ComputeCapability 7.5 too high to compute?
gpuEnvObj = coder.gpuEnvConfig;
gpuEnvObj.GpuId = 1;
gpuEnvObj.BasicCodegen = 1;
gpuEnvObj.BasicCodeexec = 1;
results = coder.checkGpuInstall(gpuEnvObj)
Error using coder.checkGpuInstall (line 32)
Error setting property 'ComputeCapability' of class 'GpuConfig': Invalid value '7.5'.
Allowed values are:
3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 5.0, 5.2, 5.3, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2

Best Answer

You have a Turing class NVIDIA GPU, but your driver supports only up to Volta.
It looks to me as if you are probably using a 300 series driver such as 384.111
You can update the driver on your system to any 400 series driver. You might as well use the newest available driver for your system, as the newest supports all architectures that your current driver supports, and more.