MATLAB: How to change the color & linewidth when plotting a ftsobj

Financial Time Series Toolboxftsobj plotting timeseries financialMATLAB

the normal settings using plot() are clear but when plotting a ftsobj it doesn't work actually. Can somebody please explain to me how I can set the linewidth = 2 for both series and the first one color=[1 0 0] and the second one to color=[0 0 0]?
Thank you very much for your help!
ts1 = random('Normal',0,1,100,1);
ts2 = random('Normal',0,3,100,1);
dates = [today-99:today]';
fts1 = fints(dates, ts1);
fts2 = fints(dates, ts2);
X = [fts1,fts2];

Best Answer

ts1 = random('Normal',0,1,100,1);
ts2 = random('Normal',0,3,100,1);
dates = [today-99:today]';
fts1 = fints(dates, ts1);
fts2 = fints(dates, ts2);
X = [fts1,fts2];
set(h(1),'color',[1 0 0])
set(h(2),'color',[0 0 0])