MATLAB: How to aggregate data on seasonal basis

daily to seasondata analysismean seasonal dataorganize data on seasonal basisseasonal datatime series analysis

Hello, My seasons are defined as Dec-Feb, March-May, June-August, and Sep-Nov. My data is organized in Jan-December format with daily time step. the following code will re-arrange the data on a mean seasonal basis in the sequential order (e.g Q1= Jan – March, Q2=April – June), however, in North America season are different as I explained earlier. Can someone suggest a way forward or a code piece of code?
Many thanks,

Best Answer

You can do that by setting new time vector as the 2nd input variable of retime function, like:
t2 = [datetime(1980,12,1):calmonths(3):datetime(1983,2,1)]';
TT2 = retime(TT,t2,'mean');
The result looks like:
>> TT2
TT2 =
9×1 timetable
t1 A
__________ __________________
1980/12/01 0.55223 0.4327
1981/03/01 0.46912 0.44696
1981/06/01 0.47352 0.46669
1981/09/01 0.51435 0.51787
1981/12/01 0.47761 0.52672
1982/03/01 0.51506 0.50781
1982/06/01 0.51125 0.58926
1982/09/01 0.491 0.52664
1982/12/01 0.84221 0.70557