MATLAB: Does the ISEQUAL function return “1” (true) on FINTS objects when they are not actually equal

equalfinancialFinancial Time Series Toolboxfintsisequalseriestime

The following code returns "true" even though the FINTS objects "fts" and "fts2" have different values:
dates = [today:today+9]';
reihe1 = [1:10]';
fts = fints(dates, reihe1);
fts2 = fts * 2;
isequal (fts, fts2)
ans = 1

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a bug in the Financial Series Toolbox in the way that the ISEQUAL function compares FINTS objects.
As a workaround, you can edit the ISEQUAL function in order to have it compare the FINTS objects correctly. To edit the ISEQUAL function,
1) Type
edit fints/isequal
2) Save this as "isequal.m.old".
3) At line 41, remove the word "end". At line 51, add the word "end". The last part of the ISEQUAL function should then look as follows:
elseif (arg1Time == 1) & (arg2Time == 1)
if any(({5} -{5}) > (0.001/60/60/24))
% Check times. tolerance of .001 of a sec
iseq(oidx) = 0;
else % Check data series names.
eval('iseq(oidx) = ~any(any(char(sort(arg1.names(4:end)))-char(sort(arg2.names(4:end)))));', ...
'iseq(oidx) = 0;');
if iseq % Check values.
eval('iseq(oidx) = ~any(any({4}{4}));', ...
'iseq(oidx) = 0;');
iseq = all(iseq);
% [EOF]
4) Save this as isequal.m