MATLAB: How To Change Color Of Axis Tick Marks


Hello all i am currently trying to change the color of the tick marks on my axis from black to yellow. I tried changing directly through the 'GUIDE' interface and that didnt work. So i tried using code which was this:
set(handles.axes4,'XColor','y'); set(handles.axes4,'YColor','y');
And it still didnt work so im kinda at a loss here. Any help would be apprecaited thanks!

Best Answer

In R2014a and before, there is no mechanism provided that would allow you to easily set the tick mark colors to something different than the box color. In order to have them a different color you will need to draw the tick marks in yourself, or find code that can do it for you. Possibly the File Exchange contribution plt() might have this feature available.
As of R2014b this changed, but R2014b itself the mechanism was not finalized. R2015a finalized the method, but even that is not as flexible as one might prefer; see for R2015a onward.