MATLAB: How to add tick just for the left axis


Dear all,
Here is my plot:
I turned off the thicklength in this plot using this code:
set(gca,'TickLength',[0 0])
Now I want to add thick just for left side like this plot below that I found it on the internet:
Thank you all

Best Answer

Here are two methods to show ticks only on the left axis.
Use yyaxis
This method creates a 2nd y axis on the right that is independently customizable and not used (unless you want to use it).
ax = axes();
box(ax, 'on') % default

% Set axis tick length and direction
ax.XAxis.TickLength = [0 0];
ax.YAxis.TickDirection = 'both';
% Create 2nd y-axis on right and set y axes colors
% to match the x-axis color
yyaxis right
ax2 = gca();
ax.YAxis(1).Color = ax.XAxis.Color;
ax.YAxis(2).Color = ax.XAxis.Color;
% Remove ticks on right axis
ax.YAxis(2).TickValues = [];
% Return control back to the left axes
yyaxis left
See image below for results.
Use xline and yline at axis limits
ax = axes();
box(ax, 'off') % default
ax.XAxis.TickLength = [0 0];
If you want the y-ticks to be in both directions,
ax.YAxis.TickDirection = 'both';
If you want the right and upper axes lines but without ticks, you can make is appear as though 'box' is 'on' by setting the axis limits and adding a xline and yline.
% This syntax just sets the axis limits to their current value
xlim(ax, xlim(ax))
ylim(ax, ylim(ax))
% Set right and upper axis lines to same color as axes
xline(max(xlim(ax)), 'k-', 'Color', ax.XAxis.Color)
yline(max(ylim(ax)), 'k-', 'Color', ax.YAxis.Color)
If the axis limits change after this change, the pseudo-box lines will no longer be positioned correctly so this should happen after all other plotting and positioning is done on the axes. The first method is therefore safer.
Final result for both methods