MATLAB: White space at the beginning and ending of xaxis

addadd spaceerrorbarfigurelimitsplotspacexaxisxlimylim;

Hello everyone,
I made this graph but I want to have some white spacing between the yaxis and the first bin. And then I want some white spacing between the last bin and the right axis of the figure. Just like in this figure:

Best Answer

axis(ax, 'tight') % where ax is your axis handle.
will set the axis limits so the edges of the plot touch the max and min of your data.
After running that command, you can run the lines below to add +/- 5% of your data range to each side of the x and y axes.
xlim(ax, xlim(ax) + [-1,1]*range(xlim(ax)).* 0.05)
ylim(ax, ylim(ax) + [-1,1]*range(ylim(ax)).* 0.05)
If you only want to apply this to the x-axis limits,
yl = ylim(ax);
axis(ax, 'tight')
ylim(ax, yl)
xlim(ax, xlim(ax) + [-1,1]*range(xlim(ax)).* 0.05)