MATLAB: Synchronize axes limits with direct relation

linked axes

I would like to create a figure with two axes (left and right). Suppose on the left axis is Celsius, on the right Fahrenheit. Between those two units is always a direct relation. So whenever I change the left axis limits with ylim([a b]) I would like to see the limits on the right axis limits change accordingly/automatically. I have seen the option to link axes, however that seem work only if axes have the same limits. Any suggestion how I might tackle this problem?

Best Answer

Hi Jonas,
Thanks for you help. Actually your suggestions gave me the right push in the direction to make it work :). I used an "addlistener" in my function, and this way I added two listeners for each axes, which are activated whenever Y limits of either left or right axes are changed (for example from command line).
function test_limits()
%%Left axes
ax(1) = axes('color','none');
%%Passive right axes, should update with left
ax(2) = axes('color','none','yaxislocation','right','xcolor','none');
%%set initial axes Limits
ax(1).YLim = [0 1];
ax(2).YLim = [0 2];
%%set figure callback
addlistener(ax(1), 'YLim','PostSet', @(~,~)(adjust_right_limits(ax)));
addlistener(ax(2), 'YLim','PostSet', @(~,~)(adjust_left_limits(ax)));
%%plot axes
%%Executes when left/right limits have been changed
function adjust_right_limits(ax)
ax(2).YLim = ax(1).YLim*2;
function adjust_left_limits(ax)
ax(1).YLim = ax(2).YLim/2;