MATLAB: How to bypass a directory that is not exist


My experiment contains my subjects data and each subject consists of different blocks, before I do the analysis I need to merge my data into one mat file, so first I need to load all of the data, but the problem is some of my subjects have missing blocks and when my codes want to read all data, It crashes and said ''Unable to read file 'Subject 1 Block 3.mat'. No such file or directory'' , so I need to bypass the data that their directory doesn't exist, so I wrote this if statement inside my code but it didn't work:
%load data
s_Initial = 1;
s_Final = 100;
B_Initial = 1;
B_Final = 3;
% merging Data
Subjects_ID = [];
Block_ID = [];
% merge Data
for subject_Counter = s_Initial: s_Final
for block_Counter = B_Initial: B_Final
% load the directory name
load_Data = fullfile(append('Subject', ' ',num2str(subject_Counter),...
' ', 'Block',' ',num2str(block_Counter),'.mat'));
if class(load_Data) == 'char'
all_Subjects(block_Counter, subject_Counter) = load(load_Data);
break ;
Subjects_ID = [Subjects_ID; subject_Counter];
Block_ID = [Block_ID; block_Counter];

Best Answer

See exist() function Call it with with search type 'file'
if exist(load_Data, 'file')