MATLAB: Make directories for every subject

directoryfolderfor looploopspmsubjects

Hi there! I am a real beginner here, so my question might be very stupid to you.. So I did a general analysis (batch in SPM) for one subject. Now I have the script in matlab for one subject, but I need to loop around it for all 33 subjects I have. Thing is, I need to make a new directory for every subject separately and that it stored my data for every subject in each separate folder. My loop runs through the whole code like this:
subjects = [1:18, 20:23, 25:35];
for s = 1:numel(subjects)
subj = subjects(s);
%rest of the code...
I now need to make a separate loop inside this loop, so it makes a new directory for each subject and stay in that directory to save the data but leave it again for the next subject. Can someone give an example of how I would do this, where I would name each separate folder PPI_S(subjects), where subjects should contain the number of the particular subject? Thanks a bunch!

Best Answer

subjects = [1:18, 20:23, 25:35];
pathprefix = 'PPI_S';
for s = 1:numel(subjects)
subj = subjects(s);
dirname = [pathprefix num2str(subj)]
mkdir(dirname); % Note that this will create the directory in the current path
cd(dirname); % Change directory to the new one.
% do some stuff and save it here
cd('..') % Leave the subject directory