MATLAB: How to pull files from mutiple folders

batch processingcddiruigetdir

I have a long list of subject folders (~70) I need to pull an individual summary file from each folder, scan and write the information to a new overall summary file.
I have most of the processing code written, however I am having issues automating the opening of each folder and extracting the data. I would prefer not to individually select each file.
Folder names are 'SubjectXX' and within each is a .txt file called 'Summary_SubjectXX.txt' along with other unnecessary folders.
I am using uigetdir to select the parent folder, but I cant seem to navigate into each folder after establishing the directory. Code I have so far is:
subjects_folder = uigetdir('*.txt');
list_of_subject_folders = dir(subjects_folder);
for i = 3:numel(list_of_subject_folders)
file_to_process = dir('Subject[0-9][0-9]*'); %This line seems wrong to me
subjectID = regexp(file_to_process, 'Subject[0-9][0-9]*','match');
fid = sprintf('%s_%s', 'Summary', subjectID{1});
fID = fopen(fid, 'r');
scanned_data = textscan(fID, ['%*s', '\t', '%s', '\n']);
data_to_print = [subjectID, scanned_data{1, 1}(2:22)];
cd ../
I feel like I am just missing a simple step in identifying the folders, however I am relatively new to MATLAB and cannot seem to figure it out with just the 'help' function.
I appreciate any help or advice!

Best Answer

Yes, this line is very wrong. What do you expect it to do?
subjects_folder = uigetdir('*.txt');
list_of_subject_folders = dir(subjects_folder);
% Remove \., \.. and all other files and folders starting with a .:
name = {list_of_subject_folders([list_of_subject_folders.isdir]).name};
name(strncmp(name, '.', 1)) = [];
for i = 1:numel(name)
aName = name{i};
if strcnmp(aName, 'Subject', 7)
subjectID = sscanf(aName, 'Subject%d');
file = fullfile(subjects_folder, aName, sprintf('Summary_%s', subjectID));
fid = fopen(fid, 'r');
if fid < 0, error('Cannot open: %s', file); end
scanned_data = textscan(fID, ['%*s', '\t', '%s', '\n']);
ata_to_print = [subjectID, scanned_data{1, 1}(2:22)];
I'm not sure about the file name, because sprintf('%s_%s %s', 'Summary', subjectID{1}) has 3 format specifiers, but only 2 values.