MATLAB: Looping over folders, skipping a folder if a file is present

for looplooploops

I have code that executes a for loop through a folder and all of its subdirectories. My questions is how do I write the code in order to :
A.) check if a file is present within the folder in the for loop, and then
B.) skip that folder containing the file IF the file is present.
Here is the code i have been fumbling with so far:
mainFolder = 'c:\data';
subdirs = dir(mainFolder);
%This filters out all the items in the main folder that are not directories
subdirs(~[subdirs.isdir]) = [];
%And this filters out the parent and current directory '.' and '..'
tf = ismember( {}, {'.', '..'});
subdirs(tf) = [];
numberOfFolders = length(subdirs);
% %Here i am creating the variables to iterate over the date folders
% dates = fieldnames(subdirs);
% for loopIndex = 1:numel(dates)
% stuff = subdirs.(dates{loopIndex})
% end
% Here I begin the for loop. My aim is to tell the program to skip all %the folders that contain the file "Present.txt"
for K = 1: numberOfFolders
thissubdir = subdirs(K).name;
subdirpath = [mainFolder '\' thissubdir];
%This is WRONG WRONG WRONG... help please?
if exist('Present.txt') == 1
Thanks for all the help!

Best Answer

Since you aren't calling cd for every subdir (that's good by the way), you need to construct the full file name.
fullfileName = fullfile(subdirpath, 'Present.txt');
if exist(fullfileName , 'file') == 2
% Then the file exists, skip the rest of the code in the loop.