MATLAB: How to add a variable to a filename while renaming it

batch processingeditfilenameMATLABrename files

I have a code that reads a bunch of .text files which are of the format "experiment_date_time" which is created by a measurement device. So a typical file name would look like
Sometimes due to an error in my device internal clock, the measurement are made at weird seconds and not 00 and this a problem when I try to load the files. My question is how do I rename a filename for just the last 2 characters? I tried this so far,
files=dir(''); for the file location
%run each file through loop and rename
for i=1:length(files)
[pathname,filename,extension] = fileparts(files(i).name);
how do I append two zeros to the file name?
Here I want to read the file name and replace the last two characters with zero. How do I do this?
Thanks, Ananth

Best Answer

Untested, but this should get you started:
ptx = ''; % directory path
S = dir(fullfile(ptx,'*.txt'));
for k = 1:numel(S)
[~,old,ext] = fileparts(S(k).name);
new = sprintf('%s00',old(1:end-2));
fpo = fullfile(ptx,[old,ext]);
fpn = fullfile(ptx,[new,ext]);