MATLAB: Rename files from subfolders

rename images

I have a folder that contain 10 subfolders each subfolder contains 4 images named 1.bmp,2.bmp,3.bmp,4.bmp, I want to rename those images to 9.bmp,10.bmp,11.bmp,12.bmp like that how i can?

Best Answer

Get all files structure to one variable
cd <your directory>
d = dir('**/*.bmp')
Apply loop to get every file to structure
filename_full = fullfile(d(loop variable).folder, d(loop variable).name);
[~, filename, ext] = fileparts(filename_full);
check file names use ifelse condition
if strcmp(filename, '1');
filename = '9' % so to all other 3 files
concatanate all string to form renamed path
filename_full_ren = fullfile(d(loop variable).folder,[filename, ext]);
then rename file by moving
movefile(filename_full, filename_full_ren);
You are done