MATLAB: Rename many images using loop function and movefile function

movefilerename image

Greeting. Sorry for my ignorance in computer science. I am new in digital image processing. I face problems in rename-ing 20 images. Here is my code:
a ='C:\Users\Ace\Desktop\rename\';
A =dir( strcat (a, '*.bmp' ));
fileNames = { };
for iFile = 1 : numel( A )
newName = sprintf( '%05d.bmp', iFile );
movefile( fileNames{ iFile }, newName );
Error message came out: " ??? Error using ==> movefile No matching files were found. "
And I notice the "movefile( fileNames{ iFile }, newName ); " does not run.
Any expert can offer me guidance how to rename file using movefile function? Or I have missed a step or made syntax error?

Best Answer

The name field returned by dir() does not include the directory.
a ='C:\Users\Ace\Desktop\rename\';
A =dir( fullfile(a, '*.bmp') );
fileNames = { };
for iFile = 1 : numel( A )
newName = fullfile(a, sprintf( '%05d.bmp', iFile ) );
movefile( fullfile(a, fileNames{ iFile }), newName );