MATLAB: How to access student submissions in MATLAB Grader?​


How do I access student submissions in MATLAB Grader?

Best Answer

New functionality has added the ability for instructors and students to more easily view solutions both in MATLAB Grader as well as when MATLAB Grader is integrated into a Learning Management System.
For LMS Integration, viewed solutions are anonymous and do not display a user id. Students, however, can elect to share a solution id with their instructor, allowing them to view their submission for a specific problem. While the following screenshots are from MATLAB Grader integrated into an LMS, the workflow is nearly identical in a course on
Students can
1. View all solutions submitted by them for a problem.
2. Copy solution ID for their solution and share it with their instructor (through email, discussion board, etc.)
Instructors can
1. View all best solutions for a problem.
2. Search for a solution using solutions ID.
3a. View all solutions by a learner for a problem.
3b. Selected Learner view