MATLAB: Homework Problem Week 5 Problem 1


Don't know what is missing or wrong with my function.
Question asked to write a function called generationXYZ that takes as its only input argument one positive integer specifying the year of birth of a person and returns as its only output argument the name of the generation that the person is part of ('X', 'Y', or 'Z ') according to the table below.For births before 1966, return 'O' for Old and for births after 2012, return 'K' for Kid . Remember that to assign a letter to a variable, you need to put it in single quotes, as in: gen = 'X'.
Generation Born
X 1966-1980
Y 1981-1999
Z 2000-2012
This is my solution:
function gen = generationXYZ(a)
if a < 1996
gen = 'O';
elseif a >= 1996 && a <= 1980
gen = X;
elseif a >= 1981 && a <= 1999
gen = 'Y';
elseif a >= 2000 && a <= 2012
gen = 'Z';
else a > 2012
gen = 'K';
and the feedback says there is error for argument 1965 and 1966.
Please point out or guide me on my mistake.

Best Answer

Change this:
else a > 2012
to this:
And change this:
elseif a >= 1996 && a <= 1980
gen = X;
to this:
elseif a >= 1966 && a <= 1980 % typo 1996 changed to 1966
gen = 'X'; % you forgot the quotes
And this:
if a < 1996
to this
if a < 1966 % another 1996 typo