MATLAB: How to get help on homework questions on MATLAB Answers


There are many students that come to MATLAB Answers looking for help with their homework. Some students make their question interesting and of use to other people (other people not in their class, that is) and they are responded to quickly. Some students copy and paste their question with little apparent effort. They are often ignored.
A related question is:
However, I would like to have an answer specifically targeted to struggling students.

Best Answer

MATLAB Answers is a place you can get help from the user community on specific MATLAB questions. It is not intended as a place to have strangers do your homework for you.
Desiring help with homework is fine, but:
  • show what you have done so far (post some code and explain what you are thinking about how to solve the problem).
  • ask a specific question about either specific MATLAB syntax/constructs, or general guidance (such as "what functions should I look at to achieve [result]")
  • make sure your question is answerable. A non-answerable question looks like, "How can I use MATLAB for Image Processing."
If you need help with the very basics of MATLAB, please read the getting started documentation.
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