MATLAB: Can we tag people to a question


Is it possible to tag people in here to direct questions directly to them to get a quick response from them.

Best Answer

No. At least, it would do no good. Yes, you COULD in theory add a person's name as a tag. Useless though, and I'd suggest that you not do it.
A tag is only of value if you do a search for that tag. I'm never going to put my name in as a search, just in case someone wants to direct a question to me, nor is anyone else. Worse, half the people who put my name in as a tag would mis-spell it, so I would never find it.
Furthermore, Answers is NOT a directed question and answer site. You post a question, it gets answered by whoever wants to provide an answer/whoever is willing to invest the time. Waiting for one person in particular is silly, even if you are confident that person might have the answer.
And please, do NOT send people direct mail to get your specific question answered. I explicitly ask people NOT to do this to me, as that would very rapidly overwhelm my e-mail. Anyone else who spends much time here would say the same, as it can take a fair amount of time to answer a question, especially when followup questions are involved as they always are.
Note that I am often sent direct mail, asking me to look at a question on Answers. While I might take a look, it is often true that I saw the question before, and intentionally chose then to not provide an answer. I will often choose not to answer a question if the person is clearly too confused about what they are asking, as then they very often don't really know what they want to learn. In that case, I would be forced to spend several hours on followup responses. You should recognize that a good answer will usually involve a serious investment of time. So if someone chose not to answer your question, they may have had a good reason not to do so.