MATLAB: Creating different arrays on the fly

array references

I have an 1500 x 200 array and want to create arrays for some columns that would have different name. The new array name should be a composition of text and array's column number. Then I want to place the data from the specific column of the original array into the new array with the same column name.
For example: Take the data in 5th column of the original 1500 x 200 array and programaticaly put it into an array called "col5". Then do it for column 10, column 12, etc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Just in case you didn't read the link Paulo gave, DON'T DO THIS!
You will end up way too many variables, then you will be asking questions like, "How can I find the average of my many many arrays?" or "How can I do XX with all of these arrays?" Instead use a cell array or keep them in the array they are in already. Why complicate things?