MATLAB: Help with reading the functions inside a library


Is there a reason why the code below cannot find the dll that IS in the directory as shown (there is also the h file with the same name)
[file,path] = uigetfile('C:\Users\Public\PI\PI_Programming_Files_PI_GCS2_DLL\*.dll');
%Remove the extension
[path,name,ext] = fileparts(libname)
%Rebuild without Ext
hname=fullfile(path,name) %Dont need this if same name
libfunctionsview libname
Error using loadlibrary
Could not find file libname.h.
Error in loadlibrary
(here are the library and header files)

Best Answer

You first store a filename in a variable, but then you use the Name of the variable to call loadlibrary.
loadlibrary(libname);%this should work better