MATLAB: How to open .dll file in MATLAB. I have converted the .slx file to .dll file format. Now I want to open and see the results. I don’t have any header file which I can use with the function “loadlibrary”

.dll in matlab

I have .dll file which I want to open and run in MATLAB. What is the procedure, please suggest.

Best Answer

For C shared library, you can load the dll by loadlibrary and call functions by calllib.
For detail, please see this document.
For C++ shared library, you need to do addpath in order to set your dll file to MATLAB's search path and you can call functions by clib.libname.funcname.
For detail, please see this document.
For .NET assembly, you can load the dll by NET.addAssembly and call functions by like this.
asm = NET.addAssembly('your.dll');
cls = dotNetTestClass.TestClass; % dotNetTestClass is namespace and TestClass is class in C#
a = 1; % Input 1
b = 2; % Input 2
result = TestFunc(cls, a, b); % TestFunc is function name in C#
For detail, please see this document.
If the dll is created from .slx using Embedded Coder, you need to do an additional step as described in the following answer.
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